Why Brands Are Turning To Spotify As The Next Big Social Platform

If you look out for social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram they had billions of users. These are the most popular platforms. Beyond that, there are also some other platforms which consist of millions of users.

  1. Social media Twitter and Reddit have over 300 millions of users.
  2. For job seekers and recruiters, LinkedIn is there with 300 million people.
  3. Snapchat and Pinterest  has almost 250 million. 

Now, are you thinking about Spotify? Spotify has 217 million music lovers all over the world. If you want to add Spotify in the top social media platform that will fall under top 20 social media platforms.   

Spotify Playlists

Spotify follows a fascinating distribution method that will blow your mind. Spotify creates playlists by having user-generated playlists. the amount of one-third of all listening time is spent on user-generated playlists, which is equal to 8 hours of 7 days of listening. Isn’t it sounds good? 

Podcasts On Spotify

Podcasts are the digital medium that contains a series of audio, digital radio, pdf or epub files. Spotify had billions of podcasts

How To Brand Podcasts In Spotify?

To publish your podcasts on Spotify, use an anchor to handle distribution. SimpleCast tools also can be used for delivery. when you upload your podcasts to anchor, they will ensure it is published to Spotify, Apple, and even other podcasts

Podcasters.spotify.com. Can also be used to upload your podcasts. In this method, you have to give your podcast’s RSS feed to provide information about your podcast.

The second step is to go for some Spotify SEO options.

Ads In Spotify

Spotify had experimented with target advertisements. They are more likely to analyze what you love. They had clear statistics about their user’s activity. Consider the following three facts. The more your songs contain ads, the more your revenue will increase. Consider using Drizzyapp to make it more easy.

  1. On mobiles phones alone more than 60% of streams happening.
  2. 64% of Spotify listeners buy products what they see in Spotify’s advertisements.
  3. 90% of listeners who repeat on stream than random buys the latest technical products.

Interesting right?   

Understand The Different Ad Formats

Spotify has three formats of displaying ads, which is audio, video, and display ads. You can manage these ads in Spotify Ad Studio. Spotify has a mixture of audio, video, and display of advertisements, which works really that 24% of users recall the ads.we can go for any of these. For audio ads, $250 is the minimum investment.

Get To Know The Different Ad Segments

Spotify wants you to enjoy your music with more sophistication. Advertisements may annoy some users, and some users may like it. So they do not let advertisements to annoy you. You can customize ads as per some facts like age, gender, location.

Focus On The Experience Of Your Listener

Already we had known that Spotify knows what you love but do you know? They can guess what are you doing right now. Amazing right? While you play a song, it will resemble your mood.

Habitual music listeners will know that. For example, if you play the melody or sad songs means that you need peace. Spotify has unique ad distributing methods that will display ads as per your mood. Buy Spotify monthly listeners to promote your music.